today is januari 8th on 2017....wow its new year...woupps....not my newyear...its universal newyear any resolution...??? me ?? umm...?? my resolution is everyday not year....but lets share some of it, mine are as simple as always...."memenuhi fitrah sebagai manusia yang lahir kedunia" which mean.... as a human im kind person as a children to my parent im also kind and make them proud as a ummat of ALLAH SWT im faithfull...and so on and so on... just being better to every single breath i take. amin amin amin..what else what else?? em.. its enought for now, semoga 2017 dan seterusnya menjadi tahun yang luar biasa untuk semua orang... and..okay this is something..." gw berdoa insyaallah sepenuh hati, segala penderitaan, kesedihan, kesengasaaan, kehilangan, air mata serta darah banyak tumpah dan nyawa (banyak nyawa ) ya...